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Welcome to the Upper Musselshell Conservation District – protecting the land and preserving our heritage since June 17th, 1950.

Conservation districts (CDs) work locally to fulfill the state’s policy to conserve soil, water, and other natural resources of the state.  The Upper Musselshell Conservation District receives funding from a county mill levy, and is guided by a board of directors with a shared concern for the health of the land and the region’s resources.

Conservation districts grew from public concern for the condition of our natural resources in the 1930s. In 1935, the US Congress declared soil and water conservation to be national policy, with the passage of Public Law 46. At the state level, Montana Conservation District Law (Section 75-7-101 through 75-7-124 MCA) was enacted to allow land users to form soil and water conservation districts.

For more information about Conservation Districts in Montana, visit The Montana Association of Conservation Districts.


Our Mission: Our Upper Musselshell  Conservation District’s priority is to assist and serve the residents of Wheatland County in the conservation and management of soil, water, cropland, grazing lands, weeds, and watersheds. In partnership with NRCS, we provide leadership in conservation planning, technical assistance, educational resources, and resource management tools.


Programs and Activities

  • Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act: (75-7-101 et seq. MCA)- (310 Permitting Process) Any private individual or corporation that proposes to work in or near perennial streams must first apply for a permit from a conservation district.
  • Water Quality: Conservation districts work with federal and state agencies to identify and prioritize areas affected by non point source pollutants. They help landowners coordinate technical and financial assistance to improve water quality on their property.
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